2024 Japan Homestay
Valentina Ojeda
Valentina has arrived at Kagoshima airport safe and sound. After long flights, her journey towards cultural encounters has just begun!
12月1日 Valentinaは無事、鹿児島空港へ到着しました。12月14日までの約2週間、鹿児島県に滞在し、日本の家庭生活や学校生活を体験します。
School 1 :Kajiki High School 加治木高校(12月1日~12月8日)
School 2 :Kanoya High School 鹿屋高校(12月9日~12月14日)
Valentina's Journal(日記)
Posting Valentina's journal/diary here.
Day1 日本
The airport was extremely busy that morning! It was the end of thanksgiving weekend so the airport was packed. My mom left me alone after checking in and it was the first time I fully went through an airport alone, but not the first time I flew alone.
The flight to Tokyo was tiring! I could barely sleep. It was also very uncomfortable so my back hurt a lot. My plane ended up being over 30 min late! So I had to rush through the Haneda airport. I was so exhausted, so everything was confusing. I barely made it to Kagoshima!
When I finally arrived, I saw Miyu and her family! I was so happy, but it was hard to show it since I was so tired. We went shopping for some food, then to 7/11 for dinner. It was cool! But one thing I noticed was how bright the stores are!
I ate and finally went to take a shower. 3 hours are so different! They sit on the floor on a bench and hold the showerhead. It was nice. I prefer it this way!
I have horrible jet lag but hopefully it gets better! I am excited for my time here! I can’t wait to experience school!
Day2 日本
Today was my first day of school! I am going to Kajiki High School. I had trouble sleeping due to jet-lag, but I was still excited. I put on Miyu’s sister’s uniform. It is so cute! I love the long skirt. We ate breakfast. Rice, egg, fish and tomatos yum!
Miyu’s dad took us to the train station. We bought a ticket for me. This was my first time on a train. It was fun! So fast. The view is so beautiful! From there, we walked to school. I met Sakura, a friend of Miyu. She is kind and funny.
I met the class president and my homeroom teacher. From there, my classmates led me to class. The classroom is very big! Lots of students. It is old-fashioned! No TV or screen, just blackboard.
Everyone is so kind! I want to remember all their names. The first class was math. So difficult! We had computer then geology then English. Most of them were tests so very quiet. I was very tired.
I ate lunch with the students that came to mu school last spring. They are so kind! Yuri-chan got me a present. So sweet! Manami and Yuki are so funny! And Saki is so sweet! I wish we had the same class! My bento was so yummy! Miyu’s dad made it!
Next was Japanese. Very hard! Then, P.E. It was fun! We played basketball. Finally we had long homeroom. They discussed a school trip. The day was finally over and I met up with Miyu. We went to explore the clubs as we waited for our time to head out to the train.
We visited Archery, Badminton, Calligraphy, Kendo, dance and the library. They were so cool! My friend Sumide and others did a K-pop dance. It was so cool! Then I visited Calligraphy. With help I wrote “Anpan”, but the girl made a mistake, writing “Anpon”. あんぱん → あんぽん. It was funny!
Visiting Kendo was cool! We finally headed to the train home. After we quickly went shopping for Nabe. We had for dinner and it was amazing! Finally I took a traditional Japanese bath. It was so relaxing! I went to bed. Excited for tomorrow!
Day3 日本
Before school, me and Miyu went to コンビニ. I ordered a red bean bin. It was so yummy! School was fun as well. I was a bit tired during class time. It’s hard to understand. Lunch was so good! Me and Miyu bought school lunch. It was curry rice. I love it!
After school me and Miyu headed to the train station to catch a bus to the mall. However, it never showed up. We decided to just walk around until the next one.
I tried Famichiki and it was amazing! We finally got on the bus and went to the mall. We id プリクラ, and it was so fun! It looks funny, but cute! We went shopping and I bought candy, a tote bag, earrings, and a keychain.
We went home and went to a Sushi restaurant! It was so decious! I tried raw egg for the first time. It was interesting! After we quickly went to the store. I had lots of fun today.
Day 4 日本
Today school was nice. Lunch was so delicious. I loved the egg! Everyday i think i am getting better at Japanese. It is getting easier to understand. After school we went to 2 clubs. Tea Ceremony + English Speaking Society. They were so fun! The Matcha was so delicious. ESS was also so fun! I shared information about USA and Mexico.
Finally it was time to go home. We met up with Hina, a friend. We were going to hang out with her and Sakura. We cooked Okonomiyaki and took lots of photos and videos. So fun!
Day 5 日本
Today is my last day of Kajiki High School! I am so so so sad!! Before school, my friend bought Kajiki Manjuu for us! It was so so delicious. We shared among friends.Today I received so many gifts and said so many goodbyes. It broke my heart!!! I talked to everyone as much as I could and gave many hugs. I had such an amazing time here, I feel so sad saying goodbye! However, I am so honored and grateful to have experienced such a wonderful school!! So, thank you to everyone!
Day 6 日本
Today was the weekend! We did so much today! it was so so so fun! First, we left early for the bakery. There were so many delicious options, it was also so beautiful! Next, we headed to Kirishima Shrine. We rented a kimono. It was so insanely gorgeous!!! I felt like a princess. I am so honored to be able to experience Japanese culture in this way. We took lots of pictures! We headed to the shrine itself and it was such a beautiful experience. I loved learning the culture customs! After that, we headed to a hot pot restaurant! It was my first time, even though there are many in America. I absolutely adored it! It was delicious! Next, we visited Miyu's sister's apartment to say hi to her sister's boyfriend. Then, we headed to the mall for some shopping. I bought so much! It was so fun!! After all this I was extremely exhausted. It was so fun!
Day 7 日本
Today was my last day with the Nakazaki family! I am so so sad!!!! Miyu is so amazing and i consider her one of my closest friends!! We left early, heading to her grandparents house. It was a beautiful traditional Japanese home. I loved it! My favorite thing was the kotatsu! it was so comforting. Next, we finally headed to Kanoya High school, for a quick tour of the school! We arrived and i said goodbye. It was heart breaking!!! I will miss Miyu so so so much! However, this was when I met my new host family, the Kamimura family! Yumeno was very kind!! The school was beautiful! Next we headed home quickly to drop off my bags then headed out to lunch. I ate a Katsu Sandwich! We returned home and I was so tired I napped the rest of the day. When I woke up, it was time for the winter festival! It was so fun!! I met Yumeno's friends. They were so excited to meet me! It was so nice!!! We watched the fireworks and ate delicious food, it was so amazing! Everyone was incredible! Then, I went home and slept all night!
Day 8 日本
Today was my first day of Kanoya High school! I was so excited to see everyone from the festival again, and meet new people! I had so much fun! Everyone was so kind! After school, I went to the caligraphy club. it was fun! Then, me, Yumeno, Hiyori, Aine, and Natsuki went to the mall! It was so fun. We ate at a cafe and bought some snacks. I went home and enjoyed a nice dinner of curry rice, one of my favorite Japanese foods!
Day 10 日本
Today was so fun!!!! Everyone is so hilarious so every class is fun. I always have a supporter with me, so I can get an understanding of what is going on. My bento was delicious and I brought so many snacks to share! Okashi Party!
After school I visited the K-On club and it was absolutely amazing! I wish we had one at my school!!!!! Everyone was so welcoming and friendly! I was so happy!!!!! Then, I walked home with my host sister and our friends So-chan, Teshou, and Ryuta!!
Day 11 日本
Today was another fun day at school!
However, today, I changed host families! I was now staying with Risa-chan!! Her mother is so nice and is also an english teacher, so it makes it easy to communicate. Her house is absolutely beautiful! I am sleeping on a futon now. It is so comfortable!
Day 12 日本
Today was fun again! My friends are so funny! Today instead of k-on, i visited the sports clubs. Volleyball, basketball, baseball, soccer, and archery! it was so fun watching everyone play! me and Risa also had so much fun talking. I loved it!!
Day 13 日本
Today was my final day at Kanoya High School. I am so so so sad!! We had a field day today. So, a trip! We went to the forest, an oil tank place, and some beautiful farmlands. It was so fun!! Everyone was so funny! When we finally returned it was time to say goodbye. I was crying so much!!! However, we met up later at Mcdonalds for another goodbye. Where I cried again!! I'm going to miss these amazing people. I made such amazing memories here in Japan. I have never been this happy!